Published on 28/01/2022

Network intelligence for aDAptive and sElf-Learning MObile Networks.
About the project: While artificial intelligence (AI) models are commonly regarded as the cornerstone of network intelligence (NI) design, AI is not the most suitable tool for every NI task. The EU-funded DAEMON project will create a pragmatic approach to NI design. It will carry out a systematic analysis of which NI tasks are appropriately solved with AI models, providing a solid set of guidelines for the use of machine learning in network functions. Building on the insights of this analysis, DAEMON will design NI algorithms to drive a core set of Beyond-5G (B5G) network functionalities. The NI-assisted functionalities will be finally deployed into an original end-to-end NI-native architecture for B5G that enables their full coordination.
WINGS Role: WINGS leads the experimental evaluations within, in addition to supporting emulation-based and dataset-based evaluation. In addition, WINGS provides support to NI multi-timescale closed-loop AI framework and adaptable and customized Network Intelligence (NI). WINGS provides input to the design and development of NI-based anomaly detection functionalities, in addition to supporting the design of Self-learned MANO. Finally, WINGS supports in a number of dissemination, communication, standardization and innovation activities.
This project has received funding from the Horizon 2020 programme under grant agreement No