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Published on 01/09/2023

WINGS ICT Solutions is entering into a new phase. Following years of R&D, product development and sales, service delivery, we proudly announce the investment of 5G Ventures S.A | Phaistos Investment Fund.
Honoured, and with a sense of prospect and responsibility, this investment opens important opportunities, in terms of products and services, and, above all, business-wise, in areas like smart cities, industry 4.0, environment protection / sustainability, leveraging on our IoT / 5G / AI expertise, and based on our products on air quality, energy / water, transportation, aquaculture, agriculture, manufacturing and logistics, health / wellness.

Sincere thanks to our 5G Ventures S.A | Phaistos Investment Fund colleagues for the confidence. Special thanks to all the WINGS ICT Solutions team that worked hard to realize the cooperation.

Stay tuned for further announcements (also on further entities involved in the investment) and for our next steps.


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