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Published on 09/11/2023

WINGS ICT Solutions participated in the kickoff meeting of the new EU project #BETTER4U_EU hosted by Harokopio University of Athens, on the 2nd and 3rd of November 2023. #BETTER4U_EU (Preventing obesity through Biologically and bEhaviorally Tailored inTERventions for you)  aims at the identification and personalized management of all weight gain determinants to battle the increasingly rising numbers of overweight/obesity, via homogenous, globally adaptable and practically assessed public health initiatives and key interventions. We are honored to be part of the consortium of 28 partners working towards Obesity prevention.

The WINGS STARLIT platform for digital health and wellness will be applied to monitoring lifestyle and environmental factors to provide valuable insights for personalized weight management. WINGS will be responsible for the overall system integration of the #BETTER4U_EU individualized interventions platform. 

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