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Published on 08/09/2023

We’re thrilled to announce that our Co-Founder and Technology Development Specialist, Panagiotis Demestichas, will deliver a speech at the upcoming 5G Conference SE Europe 2023. This event is scheduled for September 26 and will take place at Zappeio Megaro in Athens. 

The event will highlight the opportunities, as well as the challenges, in exploiting the potential of the 5G networks, which are now growing at an extremely fast pace, both in Greece and in the wider region of Southeastern Europe. 

At WINGS ICT Solutions, we’re passionate about leveraging cutting-edge technologies to provide digital solutions in various sectors: 

– AIRWINGS for Air Quality and Natural Environment Protection 
– ARTEMIS for the proactive management of utilities  
– WINGSPARK for advanced mobility services and for the management of transport infrastructures 
– AQUAWINGS for sustainable and effective aquaculture. 
– AGNES for sustainable agriculture. 
– WINGSChariot for logistics and industry 4.0/5.0 applications. 
– Health and Wellness: STARLIT focuses on promoting health and well-being.1

Join us at the 5G Conference SE Europe 2023 to explore the transformative power of 5G and how it intersects with our diverse range of projects and solutions. https://www.5gconference.gr/index.php/el/


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