WINGS ICT Solutions at 6th Infrastructure & Transport Conference 2023

Day 1 at 6th Infrastructure & Transport Conference 2023 for WINGS ICT Solutions!You can visit us at our booth during the 2 days conference to learn more about WINGSChariot and WINGSPARK. WINGS ICT Solutions has developed an AI-Powered IoT solution for optimizing Logistics and Industrial applications. WINGSChariot delivers optimized warehouses (powered by robotics, >20% productivity increase), real-time visibility […]

Co-Founder and Technology Development Specialist of WINGS ICT SOLUTIONS, Panagiotis Demestichas, in the 3rd episode of SmartTalks. 

In the third episode, Mr. Panagiotis Demestichas talks about the company, digital transformation, talent in IT, and upcoming technological innovations. Key points in the talk: Killer applications for 5G: environment protection, smart manufacturing / industry 4.0, smart cities, digital twins. The story so far behind WINGS ICT Solutions and the prospects created by the investment of the Phaistos […]

WINGS Co-founder and Technology Development Specialist on 5G Conference SE Europe, 26/09 Zappeio Megaro

We’re thrilled to announce that our Co-Founder and Technology Development Specialist, Panagiotis Demestichas, will deliver a speech at the upcoming 5G Conference SE Europe 2023. This event is scheduled for September 26 and will take place at Zappeio Megaro in Athens. The event will highlight the opportunities, as well as the challenges, in exploiting the potential of the 5G […]

Announcement of the investment of 5G Ventures SA / Phaistos investment fund in WINGS.

WINGS ICT Solutions is entering into a new phase. Following years of R&D, product development and sales, service delivery, we proudly announce the investment of 5G Ventures S.A | Phaistos Investment Fund.Honoured, and with a sense of prospect and responsibility, this investment opens important opportunities, in terms of products and services, and, above all, business-wise, in areas […]

Deployment of the WINGS STARLIT platform, on digital health and wellness, in the municipality of Nea Filadelfeia / Nea Chalkidona.

We are honoured to announce that WINGS ICT Solutions will enable citizens of the municipality of Nea Filadelfeia / Nea Chalkidona (Athens / Attika region) to be remotely monitored in terms of health and wellness, while staying at their homes, by exploiting the capabilities of the STARLIT platform and the domain knowledge of the municipality […]

WINGS Co-founder and Technology Development Specialist on IEEE CISOSE, 19/07 @13:30

Our Co-Founder and Technology Development Specialist, Panagiotis Demestichas, will deliver a speech at the IEEE International Congress on Intelligent and Service-Oriented Systems Engineering (CISOSE) 2023, in Athens, 19/07/2023 at 13:30. The abstract of the speech “Application and Service Delivery in the 6G Era: Requirements, Societal Drivers, and Multidisciplinary Technology Challenges.” IEEE CISOSE 2023 will address the […]

WINGS, Co-Founder Panagiotis Demestichas interview for Smart Cities Expo 2023.

WINGS ICT Solutions Co-founder and Technology Development Specialist had the opportunity to be interviewed during the Smart City Expo 2023- Smart Cities – SCDC2023 ( As a leading figure in the smart city solutions industry, Panagiotis Demestichas shared insights into our groundbreaking solutions that are shaping the future of urban development. During the interview, discussed […]

WINGS completed the Enterprise Greece SA program “THRIVING GLOBAL 2023”

WINGS ICT Solutions develops hi-tech solutions for vertical sectors and for consumer applications.One of our driving principles is: world-class R&D, local footprint, global scaling. In this respect, we are honoured to haveIt was an inspiring and intense program, most valuable for companies, like WINGS ICT Solutions, towards international scaling and growth, with emphasis in the US areas […]

Award winning booth at ΕuCNC 2023

We are proud to have been part of the @HEXA-X booth, which won the best-booth award at the #EuCNC2023.WINGS ICT Solutions contributed with two (out of the total six) demos. We demonstrated how 6G performance and enablers (flexible topologies, network exposure, networks beyond communication, advanced orchestration) will catalyze manufacturing, by introducing resilience and leading to trust, through the […]